Over the past two weeks I have been working like a mad-woman planning my silent auction fundraiser! Although it has been a lot of work (and will be a lot more over the next 7 weeks) I am SO incredibly excited for the event (refer to my prior post or facebook invite for details - http://www.facebook.com/events/382078658485738/)! Currently, I have 16 items that I will be auctioning and I have about 40 more requests pending. Although I would love to brag about the amazing gifts will be auctioned during the fundraiser (4 Red Sox tickets, Oleana Chef Tasting, Healthworks and Fitcorp gym memberships….just to name a few!), what I want to share in this post is how incredibly generous my donors have been! However, instead of blabbing my feelings, I will rather share stories of their generosity, which reflect both the kindness and selflessness of my donors.
Family Friends: A close family friends owns season tickets to the Boston Red Sox. They own 4 seats in a great location behind 1st plate, which I have been lucky enough to enjoy myself a few times! When I asked for a donation for a weekend game, I was immediately told yes and asked which game I WANTED. So not only are they donating their personal tickets, but I was asked my preference. Wow.
Pinkberry: Upon agreeing to my request of one $25-$50 gift certificate, I was additionally asked what I thought would generate the most interest…what did I want. I then asked for 2, $30 gift certificates. My contact enthusiastically agreed and thought it would be more exciting to make gift packages, including both a t-shirt and bag with the gift card. I was so surprised and touched by her generosity and when I gratefully thanked her, she actually turned around and thanked ME for asking her to participate.
Prana Power Yoga: I initially requested one 5-class card and this is the response I got back: “Thank you for contacting Prana! We'd love to help you out with a donation to your event. We are excited to help you raise money and to also bring more people to their mats and therefore to joy and inner peace, so we are happy to donate two 5-class passes, each worth $65.” That’s right, they actually DOUBLED what I requested.
SPIbelt: This company, which is based in Austin TX, is a local based group which typically only supports other local businesses. However, when I told them I am a SPIbelt user and LOVE my running belt they decided to make an exception and agreed to donate one of their amazing belts for the auction!
Brewsees: This local start-up company, which makes sunglasses that have beer bottle openers on both temples (boys, get ready to buy those raffle tickets!), actually contacted ME and asked if they could donate a pair of their signature sunglasses as well as a t-shirt! Now they’re just making my job easy!
General updates:
Running – I ran 14.3 last weekend in New Orleans and will be running 10 tomorrow through the snow. This weekend is lighter in preparation for 16 next weekend. I also have been feeling NO pain in my knee (everyone knock on wood…I’m serious). I don’t know what has changed, but I’m not complaining!
Fundraising – I have SURPASSED $4,000 and have currently raised $4,046!!! With only 9 weeks to go, I am confident that I can reach and potentially surpass my goal. So THANK YOU to everyone that has donated thus far and be sure to mark your calendars for March 30th for my Fundraiser at McFadden’s!
Peace, Love and RUNNING!
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