As many of you already know, or may have realized through my continuous mentioning of “my annoying knee,” I pulled my IT band during my last marathon. It began bothering me early into my training last summer and felt like a weakness on the outside of my left knee...kind of like someone was cupping my knee if that makes sense. Anyways, I went to the MGH sports medicine dept and they informed me that I have “Runner’s knee” (or Iliotibial Band Syndrome) which is a strain of your IT band. The only way to treat this is by stretching, strengthen and of course, rest. Lucky for me, aside from a few weeks last summer, my IT band did not bother me again until mile 20 of my marathon. At that point, I was in so much physical pain that I didn’t even care...you honestly could have shot me in the arm with a gun and I would have kept running (I’m telling you, it’s ALL mental). But moral of the story, I rested it for about 2.5 months, but unfortunately, it is still seems to bother me.
Some people call it determined, some stupid, but needless to say, I have decided that the physician’s diagnosis of “rest” will not work for me. Therefore, I have selected a different diagnosis that better suits my needs (let’s call it training for Medical School).
Val’s Treatment for Runner’s Knee: Yoga, STRETCHING, KT Tape and Sports Massage.
I have already chatted about Yoga and stretching, so let me introduce you to the miracle that is KT Tape. This “revolutionary sports medicine solution” is an adhesive, elastic band that provides stability and support to injured, sore or pulled muscles (I totally stole that from their website). But in all seriousness, it is a minimalist solution to any injury or strained area of your body and is incredibly supportive. The KT Tape website provides detailed description of many common sports injuries and provides very detailed you tube videos for applying said tape. My injury, the “ITBS-KNEEX,” is incredibly easy to apply and I can leave the tape on for 5 days – which lasts through exercise and showers (see picture below)! I personally love it and do feel like it provides me with great support. That being said, I make sure to leave it off for a few days in between uses and go on runs without it. It is incredibly supportive, but I also want to build up my strength independent of the tape.
I have also recently discovered a love for sports massage! A co-worker, who is a HUGE runner (10+ marathons!), has had many past injuries and highly recommends massage. I went today to Balanced Health (courtesy of Groupon!) and had a long conversation with my therapist about the type of massage I should get and their frequency. We decided that a stretching-focused massage, about once a month, would be great. So, for all of you who are unsure about running, now you can validate getting massages once a month if you are in “marathon training” haha.
For some other FUN updates….
1) Today I ran 9.68 miles (every 100th counts!) in 1:21:13…8:20 min/mile!! Wahoo! Despite the fact that I am a New England girl, this was actually my first run outside in the snow! I ran along the Charles River and although most of the path was paved there were a few slippery spots. The secret: SLOW DOWN and be sure to stabilize every step. Next weekend is 13 (eek!) and after today’s GREAT run I cannot wait!
2) I HAVE CURRENTLY RAISED $3,420.00!!!!! I cannot tell you how EXCITED and GRATEFUL I am for all the generosity and support shown by family members, friends and co-workers. As I told many of my donors, I am beyond excited to run the “prestigious” Boston Marathon, but I am even more excited to be able to celebrate my mom’s past and hopefully future successes! Each donation is another reminder of how lucky I am to have people in my life who want to join in on my celebration and I cannot tell you how blessed I feel.
I love you all SO much. I had an amazing weekend and during my run today realized how happy I am in my life...so thank YOU all for being a part of my life and thus a part of my happiness!
Peace, Love and RUNNING!
When I was a child and whenever I get injured, I always use band aid only and I don't ever think if it's gonna be healed. I have to try this kinesio.
ReplyDeleteElastic Adhesive Bandage
I know I am about 4 or 5 years late to the party, but let me tell you that at the age of 61, I totally swear by KT tape. Get the expensive one- the glue on the cheap one sucks. I call it the wonder tape that holds grandmas together.