Running Introduction

On April 16, 2012, I will be running the Boston Marathon on behalf of Massachusetts General Hospital. I am an avid runner and it has always been my dream to run Boston. However, as I think of the reasons why I am running this particular race, another story comes to mind. For 26.2 miles I will run for an organization who has saved the person that I love most in the world, my mother. Jan Mertz is my role model and best friend, and on April 16th, she will be my inspiration (follow the SPONSOR ME link to read the full story). My fund raising goal of $5,000.00 is not nearly enough to thank such an amazing hospital, but it is a start. Thank you in advance for your support and for reading my blog!!

Follow my blog for updates on my training schedule, energy-rich snacks and meals, but most of all, how to prepare mentally and physically for 26.2 miles!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Charles River in winter: How to survive the cold and prevent injury.

So I realized that my New Year’s resolution to you all was to post weekly regarding my training, however, my last post was December 31st. I clearly have not been sticking to my promise, but no time like the present to change!

Today I want to talk about running in the winter…outside. I was once a skeptic and would often look at people like they were crazy when they’d talk about enjoying themselves on a “brisk” 30 degree day. I am here today to tell you the secret to success...LAYERS and LAYERS. Let me describe to you a typical outfit: Bottom Half - Asics thermal tights on top of under armor compression shorts; Top Half – Asics thermal top, Asics thermal ½ zip with thumb loops, Brooks reflective water-resistant jacket (in neon orange, of course), running gloves and a fleece headband courtesy of the American Academy of Optometry (aka my mother). For my birthday, which is in only 13 days people, I have asked for a Brooks women’s running hat with a BUILT IN PONYTAIL LOOP! I have also asked for some additional running tights, and will most likely go with another pair from Asics or Brooks (because I am a running snob). But honestly, the secret to success is both finding clothing that is comfortable and not layering up TOO much. I understand that it is absolutely freezing outside, and I often feel that I need to add a vest, scarf and parka to my outfit before stepping into this tundra we call Boston. But the point of all this ridiculously expensive cold-weather gear is that it truly insulates your body as you work out. So remember, only layer-up enough to prevent shivering, and let the clothing hold in your body’s natural heat. Also – to give a disappointing piece of knowledge, your feet will never get warm. The ultimate goal of most running shoes is for ventilation. However, in the winter when the wind is blowing at your face, this means that your toes are EXTRA ventilated. If anyone has advice on how to reduce the feeling of numbness, I would be very interested in listening :)

Training is going well otherwise. I ran 6.5 miles along the Charles last weekend at an 8:20 min/mile pace. I completely surprised myself by how fast I ran! Although it is not surprising since I was trailing a 6’5 man the entire time (sometimes I get a little competitive). My knee (knock on wood) has been sore but I haven’t felt any sharp pain, which is good. To prevent injury I’ve been doing A TON of stretching, foam rolling and yoga. Although these three things are KEY in the winter (both before and after a workout) I think they are essential for all running and I do them religiously year round. Even if I am going on a 3 mile run, I always make sure to add in 20 minutes to my workout time (10 before, 10 after) for quads/hammys/calfs/IT band/abs/glutes and whatever else hurts that day. Yoga has also been my saving-grace, especially with this IT band business. What I have often been doing is going for a run before a yoga class and letting the class stretch me out. So in addition to a good stretch, I also get an endurance workout, since I am basically active for 2.5 hours. For anyone in Boston, I highly recommend Back Bay Yoga on the corner of Boylston/Arlington. My favorite classes are Hip-Hop Yoga (yes, you read this right) and Vinyasa with deep relaxation (just reading it makes you feel calm). My mom, a new yogi, and I are headed there this Saturday for a “Women’s Mini Retreat Workshop” which will complement my morning run of 9 miles nicely!

Thank you all for READING and I hope you all are doing well. As a promise to you, I will update NO LATER than next Sunday for an update on (1) my new KT athletic support tape for my IT band, and (2) the Women’s yoga mini-retreat. As a promise to ME, I think you all should test out winter running for yourselves. Granted I am “special” in that I absolutely love to run, but last Saturday, while watching the sun rise over Cambridge, I realized how happy I am with my life and how lucky I am for my family and friends who support my crazy endeavors…such as this. Just think...this realization could happen to you too if you just put on your sneakers and stepped outside!!

Peace, Love and RUNNING!

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