Good MORNING fellow runners!!!
I have SO many exciting things to share with you all I do not even know where do begin!
To start with the MOST exciting news, I HAVE SURPASSED MY $5,000 FUNDRAISING GOAL AND HAVE CURRENTLY RAISED $5,441!!!!!! Last Friday, realizing I was $99 short of my goal, I posted a little facebook status to ask if anyone would want to help me reach my $5000 target and I had EIGHT people donate! I went from $4,901 to $5,441 in a matter of hours! I am still in shock from the generosity of my donors, especially because I have not even had my fundraiser yet (Remember, Friday-March 30th
http://www.facebook.com/events/382078658485738/). So to all of you who generously went to my Crowd-rise page and gave, thank you so very much. I cannot tell you how much your support means to me and how inspired I am to run this race which is now in LESS than a month!
Which brings me to my 2nd point....ONLY 26 DAYS UNTIL RACE DAY! BAH! If that isn't scary, I don't know what is! I've been told that one of the best things about running the Boston Marathon is the anticipation, and I am 100% vouch for that (especially now with the nice weather!). I actually let out a little shriek last Friday when I realized the Boston Marathon banners were hanging from the lamp-posts on Cambridge St (mind you think was during a meeting, but luckily my co-worker thought my girly screaming was cute). Training is going AWESOME. I ran 19 miles last weekend and will be running 20 miles this Sunday with my entire MGH Marathon team! I am super psyched since we are actually going to be running the Boston Marathon course. We will be driving together to Hopkington, MA and running up to mile 20 (ending with Heartbreak hill!). I know I can run 20 miles, so I am going to use this run to really push myself and evaluate where my body stands.
Last, but not least, HAPPY SPRING! Today is a great day for so many reasons...
2) 10 Days until My fundraiser (Alex and Ani just donated....so ladies, get ready for some intense raffle-ing!)
3) 26 DAYS UNTIL THE MARATHON....That is a MILE-A-DAY away!!!
Peace, Love and RUNNING!