Running Introduction

On April 16, 2012, I will be running the Boston Marathon on behalf of Massachusetts General Hospital. I am an avid runner and it has always been my dream to run Boston. However, as I think of the reasons why I am running this particular race, another story comes to mind. For 26.2 miles I will run for an organization who has saved the person that I love most in the world, my mother. Jan Mertz is my role model and best friend, and on April 16th, she will be my inspiration (follow the SPONSOR ME link to read the full story). My fund raising goal of $5,000.00 is not nearly enough to thank such an amazing hospital, but it is a start. Thank you in advance for your support and for reading my blog!!

Follow my blog for updates on my training schedule, energy-rich snacks and meals, but most of all, how to prepare mentally and physically for 26.2 miles!

Monday, January 30, 2012

It's my BIRTHDAY and I want....$4,000.00!!!!

Hello friends and family and Happy January 30th! In addition to being THE GREATEST DAY EVER (because I was born), today is also a historically monumental day for the reasons below....

In 1487: Bell chimes were invented

In 1790: The 1st lifeboat was tested at sea, by its inventor, Mr. Greathead

In 1917: The 1st jazz record was recorded (Dark Town Strutters Ball)

In 1958: The 1st 2-way moving sidewalk became in service, Dallas TX

In 1973: KISS played their 1st show (Coventry Club in Queens New York)

In 2007: Microsoft releases Windows Vista

But in all seriousness, thank you for the well wishes for my 24th year. However, I may ask one favor since it is my "special" day. I have currently raised $3,750.00 towards my marathon, which is SO AMAZING! But, how AWESOME would it be to hit the $4,000.00 mark on my birthday?!! Think, that is just $250.00, which is....

$50 by 5 friends

$25 from 10 friends

$10 from 25 friends!!!

So think about it, and Happy Birthday to ME!

Peace, Love and RUNNING!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My 1st MGH Marathon Team Run!

Today I had an AMAZING run with my MGH Marathon Team! We met at Marathon Sports on Boylston St and ran the Boston Marathon course backwards all the way to Boston College (and then back!). We didn't get as far as the infamous heartbreak hill, but boy was it hilly! In total we ran 13.3 miles, but I ran a mile there and back from my apartment, so I'm saying I ran 15 haha. I absolutely LOVED this run. My body felt awesome, I had a great running partner (Chad from my team), but most of all, the course we ran was filled with runners! Every where you looked were groups of 2 or 3 runners, decked out in past Boston Marathon gear and loving life. I have never run out by the BC area (I'm a Charles River snob), and it was like a running utopia - everyone smiling, waving, saying hi and rooting you on during those Brookline hills. I am definitely going to start doing my long runs out that way and recommend that route to anyone who wants a more challenging workout! I've posted my MapMyRun route below. You have to be my friend to check it friend me and get to running!!

Also, last Wednesday was our 2nd MGH Marathon Team meeting and 1st team social! We talked a lot about upcoming dates, our personal struggles (either running or fund raising....which thank to all my FABULOUS donors is not a problem for me!) and what inspiration means to us. Here's a little summary of what we talked about, which hopefully will help inspire you to use the above link!!!

The runners on the MGH Marathon Team have 2 finish lines: The physical finish on Boylston St and the personal finish of raising $5,000.00. It is the latter that inspires us. By raising money, we are actively working to support cancer research and cancer recovery. Almost all the runners have family or friends who have been affected by cancer. Members of my team have lost best-friends to cancer, have children who are currently being treated at the MGH for Children, or have lost parents and siblings. For me, as you know, I am running for my Mom, who fought through 3 rounds of intense chemotherapy to live. While talking to my teammates during the social, we realized how much we are not only motivated by our own stories, but by each others as well. I cannot wait to run for Matt's friend or for Ping's father, and hearing their stories made me so motivated to run today. But what surprised me the most was how my story also impacted others. My story has a happy ending, and as one of my teammates told me, we need to hear a happy story every now and again to know that our fight against cancer IS working. We also received a list of 26 motivational reasons to run a marathon, I will end this post with my personal favorites:

1. The best way to remove the words, "I can't" from your vocabulary.

7. There is no rational reason to run a marathon. Pretty cool, eh?

10. Inspiration in life. Marathoning brings out the best in humankind. You'll see people from all walks of life and situations in a marathon - in wheelchairs, with amputated limbs, blind. You become inspired by seeing what the power of will and human spirit can achieve, and overcome.

23. Learning about life. Life is a marathon. It is not short. It has its ups and downs. It is all about having goals, taking it one step at a time. The parallels are downright amazing. You'll be better in life having run a marathon.

Peace, Love, and RUNNING!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to self-treat an IT Band: KT Tape and Sports Massage

As many of you already know, or may have realized through my continuous mentioning of “my annoying knee,” I pulled my IT band during my last marathon. It began bothering me early into my training last summer and felt like a weakness on the outside of my left knee...kind of like someone was cupping my knee if that makes sense. Anyways, I went to the MGH sports medicine dept and they informed me that I have “Runner’s knee” (or Iliotibial Band Syndrome) which is a strain of your IT band. The only way to treat this is by stretching, strengthen and of course, rest. Lucky for me, aside from a few weeks last summer, my IT band did not bother me again until mile 20 of my marathon. At that point, I was in so much physical pain that I didn’t even honestly could have shot me in the arm with a gun and I would have kept running (I’m telling you, it’s ALL mental). But moral of the story, I rested it for about 2.5 months, but unfortunately, it is still seems to bother me.

Some people call it determined, some stupid, but needless to say, I have decided that the physician’s diagnosis of “rest” will not work for me. Therefore, I have selected a different diagnosis that better suits my needs (let’s call it training for Medical School).

Val’s Treatment for Runner’s Knee: Yoga, STRETCHING, KT Tape and Sports Massage.

I have already chatted about Yoga and stretching, so let me introduce you to the miracle that is KT Tape. This “revolutionary sports medicine solution” is an adhesive, elastic band that provides stability and support to injured, sore or pulled muscles (I totally stole that from their website). But in all seriousness, it is a minimalist solution to any injury or strained area of your body and is incredibly supportive. The KT Tape website provides detailed description of many common sports injuries and provides very detailed you tube videos for applying said tape. My injury, the “ITBS-KNEEX,” is incredibly easy to apply and I can leave the tape on for 5 days – which lasts through exercise and showers (see picture below)! I personally love it and do feel like it provides me with great support. That being said, I make sure to leave it off for a few days in between uses and go on runs without it. It is incredibly supportive, but I also want to build up my strength independent of the tape.

I have also recently discovered a love for sports massage! A co-worker, who is a HUGE runner (10+ marathons!), has had many past injuries and highly recommends massage. I went today to Balanced Health (courtesy of Groupon!) and had a long conversation with my therapist about the type of massage I should get and their frequency. We decided that a stretching-focused massage, about once a month, would be great. So, for all of you who are unsure about running, now you can validate getting massages once a month if you are in “marathon training” haha.

For some other FUN updates….

1) Today I ran 9.68 miles (every 100th counts!) in 1:21:13…8:20 min/mile!! Wahoo! Despite the fact that I am a New England girl, this was actually my first run outside in the snow! I ran along the Charles River and although most of the path was paved there were a few slippery spots. The secret: SLOW DOWN and be sure to stabilize every step. Next weekend is 13 (eek!) and after today’s GREAT run I cannot wait!

2) I HAVE CURRENTLY RAISED $3,420.00!!!!! I cannot tell you how EXCITED and GRATEFUL I am for all the generosity and support shown by family members, friends and co-workers. As I told many of my donors, I am beyond excited to run the “prestigious” Boston Marathon, but I am even more excited to be able to celebrate my mom’s past and hopefully future successes! Each donation is another reminder of how lucky I am to have people in my life who want to join in on my celebration and I cannot tell you how blessed I feel.

I love you all SO much. I had an amazing weekend and during my run today realized how happy I am in my thank YOU all for being a part of my life and thus a part of my happiness!

Peace, Love and RUNNING!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Green Smoothies are AWESOME!

Hello again!

So I know I was not going to post again until Sunday, but I just could not resist writing a short blog about this DELICIOUS green smoothie I am currently drinking! I'll be honest, I initially wanted to start drinking "green" drinks because they look cool and make you "feel" healthy. But I will tell you, this morning I went for a FRIGID 3 mile run outside and drank 20 oz of the below green drink and I feel awesome! What a lovely way to start a Thursday!

Below is the recipe for my new favorite green smoothie! I added everything, even the bee pollen, and I can 100% tell you that it is delicious....even my roommate Tom likes it! I would also recommend making double the batch and doing it the night before. Give it a quick blend in the morning and you can head on out to change the world! I am hoping to drink 2, or maybe 4 a week (?) and will drink one for breakfast with a snack around 10am ish. Enjoy!!

1 cup water
1/4 inch of fresh ginger root (peeled and chopped)
1/2 banana
4 leaves of kale (cut the stems off)
1/2 cup parsley
1/2 bag of frozen mango
1/2 tsp bee pollen
1 teaspoon spirulina
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 cup of OJ

Peace, love and RUNNING!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Charles River in winter: How to survive the cold and prevent injury.

So I realized that my New Year’s resolution to you all was to post weekly regarding my training, however, my last post was December 31st. I clearly have not been sticking to my promise, but no time like the present to change!

Today I want to talk about running in the winter…outside. I was once a skeptic and would often look at people like they were crazy when they’d talk about enjoying themselves on a “brisk” 30 degree day. I am here today to tell you the secret to success...LAYERS and LAYERS. Let me describe to you a typical outfit: Bottom Half - Asics thermal tights on top of under armor compression shorts; Top Half – Asics thermal top, Asics thermal ½ zip with thumb loops, Brooks reflective water-resistant jacket (in neon orange, of course), running gloves and a fleece headband courtesy of the American Academy of Optometry (aka my mother). For my birthday, which is in only 13 days people, I have asked for a Brooks women’s running hat with a BUILT IN PONYTAIL LOOP! I have also asked for some additional running tights, and will most likely go with another pair from Asics or Brooks (because I am a running snob). But honestly, the secret to success is both finding clothing that is comfortable and not layering up TOO much. I understand that it is absolutely freezing outside, and I often feel that I need to add a vest, scarf and parka to my outfit before stepping into this tundra we call Boston. But the point of all this ridiculously expensive cold-weather gear is that it truly insulates your body as you work out. So remember, only layer-up enough to prevent shivering, and let the clothing hold in your body’s natural heat. Also – to give a disappointing piece of knowledge, your feet will never get warm. The ultimate goal of most running shoes is for ventilation. However, in the winter when the wind is blowing at your face, this means that your toes are EXTRA ventilated. If anyone has advice on how to reduce the feeling of numbness, I would be very interested in listening :)

Training is going well otherwise. I ran 6.5 miles along the Charles last weekend at an 8:20 min/mile pace. I completely surprised myself by how fast I ran! Although it is not surprising since I was trailing a 6’5 man the entire time (sometimes I get a little competitive). My knee (knock on wood) has been sore but I haven’t felt any sharp pain, which is good. To prevent injury I’ve been doing A TON of stretching, foam rolling and yoga. Although these three things are KEY in the winter (both before and after a workout) I think they are essential for all running and I do them religiously year round. Even if I am going on a 3 mile run, I always make sure to add in 20 minutes to my workout time (10 before, 10 after) for quads/hammys/calfs/IT band/abs/glutes and whatever else hurts that day. Yoga has also been my saving-grace, especially with this IT band business. What I have often been doing is going for a run before a yoga class and letting the class stretch me out. So in addition to a good stretch, I also get an endurance workout, since I am basically active for 2.5 hours. For anyone in Boston, I highly recommend Back Bay Yoga on the corner of Boylston/Arlington. My favorite classes are Hip-Hop Yoga (yes, you read this right) and Vinyasa with deep relaxation (just reading it makes you feel calm). My mom, a new yogi, and I are headed there this Saturday for a “Women’s Mini Retreat Workshop” which will complement my morning run of 9 miles nicely!

Thank you all for READING and I hope you all are doing well. As a promise to you, I will update NO LATER than next Sunday for an update on (1) my new KT athletic support tape for my IT band, and (2) the Women’s yoga mini-retreat. As a promise to ME, I think you all should test out winter running for yourselves. Granted I am “special” in that I absolutely love to run, but last Saturday, while watching the sun rise over Cambridge, I realized how happy I am with my life and how lucky I am for my family and friends who support my crazy endeavors…such as this. Just think...this realization could happen to you too if you just put on your sneakers and stepped outside!!

Peace, Love and RUNNING!